Location :Shandong province, China, Application: Special Steel Detail: two 220t/h gas-fired boilers, using coke oven gas and blast furnace gas as fuel. The flue gas volume of a single boiler is 330,000Nm3/h, the sulfur dioxide content is 200mg/...
Location :Shandong province, China,
Application: Special Steel
Detail: two 220t/h gas-fired boilers, using coke oven gas and blast furnace gas as fuel. The flue gas volume of a single boiler is 330,000Nm3/h, the sulfur dioxide content is 200mg/Nm3, and the flue gas temperature is 130~200℃. It uses SDS sodium-based dry desulfurization technology to achieve ultra-low flue gas emission standards, i.e. SO2 <35mg/Nm3, dust <5mg/Nm3.